Allama Iqbal's Presidential Address-1930

1 Allama Iqbal's Presidential Address-1930
4 IMPORTANCE OF THE ADDRESS 5 CONCLUSIVE SENTENCES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On December 30,1930 the annual meeting of the All India Muslim League was held at Allahabad, Allama Iqbal presided over the meeting .On this occasion he delivered his famous historical address which proved to be a milestone in the proceeding to make a demand for an independent Muslim State.

1. N.W.F.P Sind, Punjab and Baluchistan should be combined in one state.
2. The Muslims are entirely a different nation from Hindus .Their way of living and social manners are totally different from the Hindus. Their religion is entirely different in nature from other relations. Thus the Muslims should get a state of their own in the area of Muslim majority where they may be able to cultivate their own religious and moral traditions.

Iqbal's speech at the League session created a mild flutter but generally it was not taken seriously. Though he had, in detail explained the basis leading to demand a separate homeland. He mentioned that Islam was not simply the name of a few creeds, the oral reorganization of which would make our ideal Muslim. It had given its followers, the concept of a particular and unique political society which covered all the phases of their life.
Even though the Muslims of South Asia were disorganized and lay scattered in different parts of the region, yet their central position was the same. They had the same culture, the same history and same civilization. These elements gave similarity and agreement to all the Muslims of the Sub Continent on the one hand and made them quite distinct from the Hindus on the other.
In his Presidential address, Allama Iqbal said:
"I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state. Self government within the British empire without the British empire, the formation of a consolidated North West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of North West India."

It is on his Allahabad address that Allama Iqbal is known as the dreamer of Pakistan. His address proved to be a milestone in the history of the Sub Continent and the creation of Pakistan.


Unknown said...

hahah.. gub hai!

Anonymous said...

Nicee ;)

Unknown said...

People when are you going to write the true things about this address...
those who are not sure of what i said read "The Murder Of History"
Writer: "K.K. Aziz"
And "The British Raj In India" By "S.M. Burke and Salim Al-Din Qureshi "

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

great leader

Unknown said...

realy helpfull and awsme

Unknown said...

Some points are these
"Allah deos not change the condition of people unless they themeselves want to change their conditiom."
"only our faith can save and guide us on the right path."

Anonymous said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

Very good explanation regarding exam point of you👌

Anonymous said...

it was really easy to understand nice good work and yeah thanks for making my paper easy❤❤

Anonymous said...

nice jee

Unknown said...

Very helpful

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very simple and helpful

Anonymous said...

Great Very helpful

Anonymous said...

You bloody Why are you laughing at Iqbal

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